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Interior design inspired by art

RAZ Interiors ,我們的核心價值觀是將客戶的願望變為現實。以“藝術激發生活”為核心理念,我們的目標是將建築影響融入我們的創意設計中,並提供精美的室內設計,頌揚生活之美。我們為香港和中國內地的業主、辦公室、零售和餐飲企業提供廣泛的住宅商業空間室內設計服務。我們將創意與創新和功能相結合,考慮到空間的所有元素,包括位置、照明風格、周圍的外部環境以及創造注定炫目的變革性室內空間的功能。

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Contemporary & architectural designs that transform

Our team is composed of professional designers and experienced project managers that will oversee all aspects of your interior design project from beginning to end. From design conceptualisation to planning and construction project management and consultation service. Our dedicated team will help you find the perfect architectural design solutions that marry all aspects of aesthetics, convenience and comfort, under the limits and restrictions of Hong Kong. The end result is not only a visually pleasing environment but a comfortable atmosphere that brings happiness and ease of use for homeowners, customers, and employees alike.


In addition to a practical design and layout, we believe in sophisticated, modern, and transformative interiors that soothe the mind and serve the function of the space. Our interior designs are fitted with our signature architectural elements, including curved details and lighting arrangement that help open up the space and create a sense of directional flow while giving a dynamic touch. For smaller living areas and offices, we work to maximise the usage of the space and give our clients a comfortable environment that allows for ease of movement. For larger areas, we aim to emphasize the beauty of the large space with sculptural furnishings, elevated levels, and state-of-the-art lighting systems for a stunning result.


香港的空間昂貴且有限,但這不應限制我們進行無聊和通用的室內設計。當代建築設計的演變意味著我們不再依賴於巨大空間的宏偉來創造奢華感——通過裝飾照明、家具和以誘人的微小細節進行裝飾;我們取得了同樣的成就,而且遠不止於此。 RAZ 的室內設計師對室內設計語言有著至高無上的理解,並且對配色方案、面料、質地、材料和視覺風格有著精湛的掌握,他們是能夠從粗糙中雕刻鑽石的工匠。我們在香港獨特的空間挑戰和限制條件下出生、成長和成長,並且確切地知道如何在有限的空間內進行奢華的室內設計。 


雖然我們喜歡與客戶合作,為他們找到完美的設計解決方案,但我們知道要描述您的理想審美或確定您的偏好並不容易。我們過去在香港和中國內地的一些室內設計項目包括位於 The Westminster Terrace、Tregunter、Branksome Grande、Casa Marina II、 鹿山灣、比佛利山等等。請隨時瀏覽我們的產品組合以獲得靈感。



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